Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week 3 - Snow White adaption


ROSE: Queen-to-be and childhood friend of SNOW. Primarily jealous, but manages to still be sophisticated and no-nonsense.
SNOW: Princess and childhood friend of ROSE. Primarily a huge flirt, but isn’t good at facing her problems.
HUNTER: Prince and childhood friends with ROSE and SNOW. Primarily a jokester, but is an exceptional listener.

GRUMPY PRINCE: A prince with a grumpy demeanor, currently dating SNOW
SLEEPY PRINCE: A prince with a tired demeanor, would flirt with SNOW
SICKLY PRINCE: A prince with a sickly demeanor, the loving brother of SNOW
HAPPY PRINCE: A prince with a joyful demeanor, thinks he’s in love with SNOW
SMARTLY PRINCE: A prince with a knowledgable demeanor, used to date SNOW
BASHFUL PRINCE: A prince with a bashful demeanor, used to date SNOW


Panel 01
ROSE sits at her place at the dinner party, not enjoying the festivities.

Panel 02
She sees at the other side of the room, SNOW is gathering a lot of attention from the attending princes.

Panel 03
SNOW glances away from the princes

Panel 04
She tries to get ROSE’S attention

Panel 05
ROSE scowls back

Panel 06
Unfazed, SNOW smiles and continues to chatter with the princes.


Panel 01
HUNTER slides into the seat next to ROSE

Panel 02
HUNTER: A future queen shouldn’t be making such faces. Don’t you miss hanging out with her?
ROSE: Not if she’s going to keep ditching me for lesser people. I’ve heard the rumors about her…

Panel 03
HUNTER: I didn’t think you would be the type to believe them.

Panel 04
SNOW makes her way to their table.
SNOW: Hi Rose! Hunter!


Panel 01
ROSE looks up at SNOW with a sneer.
ROSE: Tired of your doting suitors?

Panel 02
SNOW: Oh, they’re just hanging out. I’m actually with that grumpy face over there tonight, hee.

Panel 03
SNOW points to a GRUMPY PRINCE barking insults at some of his companions.
SNOW: He’s pretty tough, rough around the edges, exciting…

Panel 04
SNOW looks at ROSE excitedly.
SNOW: He actually reminds me a little of you sometimes

Panel 05
HUNTER is laughing, ROSE is not.
HUNTER: I can imagine.
ROSE: Shut up, both of you.


Panel 01
SNOW looks a bit disappointed, before turning toward the refreshment table.
SNOW: Let me grab some fruit and I’ll come sit with you guys.

Panel 02
ROSE watches as SNOW grabs an apple, but is then stopped by a SLEEPY PRINCE.

Panel 03
SNOW takes her time to flirt with him, taking a bite of the apple seductively, and he flirts back

Panel 04
ROSE glowers
ROSE: *thinking* I hope you choke on it.

Panel 05
SNOW suddenly freezes up.
SNOW: Oh, I didn’t expect that from yo-


Panel 01
SLEEPY PRINCE looks confused, waving a hand in front of SNOW to see if she will react. She does not.

Panel 02
ROSE watches in confusion as well as more people are drawn to SNOW’S still body.

Panel 03
HUNTER stands
HUNTER: What’s going on…?

Panel 04
SNOW then collapses onto the ground, varying princes crowding around her.


Panel 01
The hall has been gathered, and ROSE is being informed by the older members of the court what has apparently happened.

Panel 02
ROSE returns to the other princes, pulling HUNTER aside.

Panel 03
ROSE: She’s been put under a curse.
HUNTER: A curse?!
ROSE: Apparently its minor, but she wont wake.

Panel 04
Close on ROSE’S face as she speaks low.
ROSE: Hunter… I think it was me…


Panel 01
ROSE: I think I cursed her. I thought she should choke on the apple.
HUNTER: That’s not a curse.
ROSE: Well apparently it is.

Panel 02
HUNTER steps back
HUNTER: Well even if it was you, it’s only a minor curse, right? Then it requires a minor magic. Curses 101, standard princely procedures.

Panel 03
ROSE: *crossing arms* And what’s a minor cure?

Panel 04
HUNTER: True love’s kiss

Panel 05
ROSE’S eyes widen.


Panel 01
ROSE turns to address the Princes and Princesses waiting for news.
ROSE: Future subjects!

Panel 02
ROSE: Princess Snow has succumbed to a most likely accidental minor curse! Only true love’s kiss will wake her!

Panel 03
From the back the GRUMPY PRINCE stands.
GRUMPY PRINCE: I’m her date for this event, so I shall be the one to wake her.

Panel 04
From the far corner of the room stands a SMARTLY PRINCE emerges.
SMARTLY PRINCE: She once told me she will always love me, so it will be me to waken her from her slumber!

Panel 05
More and more princes step forward towards SNOW’S body. Princess are beginning to look cross.
BASHFUL PRINCE: S-She told me we were meant for each other!
HAPPY PRINCE: She’s MY one true love!
SICKLY PRINCE: She’s my sister, I love her dearly in the strongest platonic way!

Panel 06
ROSE wears a disgusted scowl at the number of people claiming to be SNOW’S true love. The Princes continue to argue and bicker

Panel 07
HUNTER then steps forward to block them from SNOW.


Panel 01
HUNTER stands between the mass of princes and princess and SNOW.
HUNTER: What do you know of love? What do you know of dedication to one person for more than one night?

Panel 02
HUNTER: You think she loved you? Do you think she said those things because she means them, only to move on to another person to be around?! She couldn’t stand you so-called royals. Snow never loved any of you! You are fools to think so!

Panel 03
HUNTER turns to ROSE. The princes and princesses in the background are speechless and shamed and embarrassed.
HUNTER: The only person SNOW cared about was the only constant person in her life. The person that she didn’t want to admit she liked. And thus tried to hide her intentions behind anyone she could find.

Panel 04
ROSE is staring at HUNTER in disbelief.
ROSE: Hunter, what’re you…
HUNTER: And it’s the only kiss that will work, because that person loves her back, but is just as equally in doubt.

Panel 05
HUNTER leans toward ROSE, who cannot seem to find words.
HUNTER: *in a low voice* Don’t even try and deny it. I’ve known you two all my life. Don’t you realize why you’re always so angry when she’s with someone else?

Panel 06
ROSE glances at SNOW’S unconscious form.


Panel 01
ROSE and SNOW’S body, horizontal shot, in silhouette.
ROSE: *thinking* Since the beginning, there has been Snow, and there has been me. I never wanted that to end. Never wanted to let her go. Even Hunter was a threat for a while…

Panel 02
A close up of SNOW’S face.
ROSE: *thinking* But now her life is in peril because of something I might’ve done. Because I was jealous. Because I wanted her to myself.

Panel 03
ROSE kneels down and leans toward SNOW’S face.
ROSE: *thinking* But if this is what she wanted all along… I will gladly give it.

Panel 04
ROSE kisses SNOW up close. Sparkles and roses and glistening lights surround them.


Panel 01
An establishing shot of the room, where a beam of light seems to surround the kissing ladies.

Panel 02
The princes and princesses are agape, but not in a disgusted way.

Panel 03
HUNTER is surprised.

Panel 04
A shot from below of ROSE’S flushed face looking straight down at the camera.


Panel 01
SNOW is smiling up at ROSE
SNOW: Why’d you stop?

Panel 02
ROSE embraces SNOW in a tight hug. SNOW embraces back.

Panel 03
SNOW’S face on ROSE’S shoulder.
ROSE: You… you’re so stupid!

Panel 04
ROSE’S happy crying face on SNOW’S shoulder.
SNOW: I know

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