Thursday, April 3, 2014

Week 11 - Manga Adaption

simple, yet definitely manga-based

Week 10 - Mystery Adaption

The story revolves around the mysterious identity of a famed "wish granter." Rumor has it that this person will grant you a single wish if you can figure out their identity. Meet Rory Blake, a young man who's one wish is to be reunited with his high school girlfriend (relive the flory days and all that). On the way he meets many others on the lookout for the wish granter, including a struggling artist named Lloyd, a stressed business woman named Clara, a lonely little girl named Jillian, a homeless man named Harold, and a boy named Ted looking for "the meaning of life". But the wish granter can be anyone...

 The search leads Rory through the hopes of each of these characters:

Lloyd paints portraits of the people closest to him, but he's contracted an illness that prevents him from painting. He's struggling to find another medium, as well as motivation.

Clara is the breadwinner of her family, but she really just wants to retire comfortably with her stay-at-home husband and kids. Sadly, her financial situation keeps her from achieving this goal.

Jillian wants nothing more than attention, since she doesn't get any from her widowed, hard-working father. She really wishes for company she can rely on.

Harold doesn't want anything specific, just a place to call home. He wants to stop wandering from town to town, and instead pick a place to stay and start over.

Ted's an orphan, and he's having trouble coping. He wants to understand how other people cope with their issues, and then maybe he too can do the same.

Rory runs into several possible characters that could be the wish granter. Mob boss Montgomery is always granting favors to those who are loyal. Doctor Evan Green is known for taking on any medical challenge, with a high enough success rate to be labeled a miracle worker. Local toy store owner Merry Flannigan has been around for years, cheering up souls for as long as anyone can remember. Each provides miracles in their own way, but are any of them capable of granting any wish?

Eventually on the path that leads towards Doctor Green, Rory runs into Ted, where he reveals his identity as a the inheritor of a large fortune and the actual wish granter. Rory's journey helps him realize he doesn't need to relive the past, coming to realize he doesn't really need a wish to move on with his life.

Week 8 - Direction Adaption

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Week 4 - Dream Adaption

Dream 1)

Dream 2)
It started out as me acting as a Governess for this famil's kids (they lived in a treehouse). I went to get some grocery's, but when I came back I was being followed by a sketchy guy in baby blue plaid. He followed me right to my door, where I opened it and all the family was there to be like "Yo get away rude!" Then slammed the door in his face. A few minutes passed and I passed by the front door again, and I saw it was ajar. I peered closer. The hall to the bedrooms was by the door and as I shut the door and looked down the hall I saw him trying to blend in with the closet so I started SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS and the whole family came and was "YO GET AWAY RUDE".

Well fast forward and the guy has kinda taken the kids hostage when the parents and I were out. I come back home and its locked so I have to go up the balcony to SAVE THE CHILDREN!! But as I do so the blue plaid guy notices a sound from me climbing and starts searching around all wary. I manage to hide under some wooden tables without being seen (somehow), find the kids and we begin escaping. Que long chase seen where I literally have to parkour down this tree with three kids on my back.

Fast forward. This treehouse is no longer a home, but I guess a hangout of people from high school that I definitely wasn't friends with. It seems there's this meeting or reunion of some kind and I'm there and there's no one I wanna talk to. Then we starting watching something on television (I'm not sure what). And I sneak out to get something to eat. I go outside and its some other uninterested high school classmate wandering about! Hello there! We decide to go get some food, but because I'm now suddenly on my rollerblades and its raining he carries me piggyback to his car (which is kelly green and a 1970s sports car thats kinda beat up, but thats okay). Also it was weird because he carried me piggyback while also having a huge spherical backpack, which I think was actually a basket full of stuff that he put on his back and then wrapped in a sheet.

We get to the car, we don't actually go anywhere, but we see everyone leaving the meeting to go get food too. Lots of people I remember seeing in hallways at school, lots of people I didn't like. We wait until they're all gone to go back inside.

But then something takes a turn.

This kid with the weird backpack carries me inside, and we have to hide because the STRANGE MYSTERIOUS PEOPLE/BEINGS that set up this weird reunion are suddenly picking people off as they please to be discarded! More kids come back from eating and everyone starts running amok not knowing what to do. And then the backpack kid I'm with says something that makes me highly suspicious (I wish I knew what it was). In my suspicion I sneak away from him, and because he now thinks I know what he knows he has now become my enemy. And I spend the rest of the dream hiding from him and from the mysterious beings.

Dream 3)
I bought an ipad for my mom. She threw it away.